Graduation Day

I just want to give everyone a quick update on Chuckles and to thank all of you for your concern and well-wishes these last few months. On September 15th Chuckles completed his 20th radiation treatment and “graduated” from the program. He was given this sportyimg_2789 red neckerchief to wear to celebrate his accomplishment.

(I was hoping they would give me one of their “My Dog Goes to N.C. State” proud parent t-shirts but no such luck.)ย img_2785

We have been home a week now and trying to settle back into a daily routine and to pick up where we left off before July 19th when all this started. The doctors have told me that the next 5 months are the most critical as the brain tumor will continue to die. After this period, Chuckles’s prognosis is quite good and statistically there is hope for a long and healthy life.

I can’t say enough good things about the doctors, technicians and staff at the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. The care and compassion they give their patients is unsurpassed. I hope they will treat me if I ever become critically ill! img_2779Before we left I gave all of his care givers a sweet reminder of Chuckles. Do you remember this candy?ย 

One side note….. while in Raleigh during this crazy time I continued to work toward completing my CD which will be released next month. Watch for an update and sneak peak very soon!




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